How to toilet train a puppy in 7 days?


Toilet training a puppy is a crucial step in ensuring a happy and hygienic home environment. With patience, consistency, and the right approach, you can effectively toilet train your puppy in as little as seven days. This guide will walk you through a detailed, step-by-step process using grain-free dog food, natural dog food, and puppy food to achieve this goal, while highlighting the long-term benefits of high-quality Essential Foods for your dog's life.

Day 1: Establishing a Routine

Start by setting a consistent feeding schedule using natural dog food or puppy food, which will help regulate your puppy's digestion and establish predictable bathroom times. Choose a specific spot outside for your puppy to use as their bathroom and take them there immediately after meals, upon waking, and after play sessions.

Day 2: Observing Signs and Signals

Pay attention to your puppy's behavior for cues that they need to go. Common signs include sniffing, circling, or squatting. Promptly escort your puppy to the designated potty area whenever you notice these signs.

Day 3: Positive Reinforcement

When your puppy successfully uses the bathroom outside, immediately reward them with praise, affection, and a small treat made from essential dog treats. This positive reinforcement makes them more likely to repeat the behavior.

Day 4: Establishing a Verbal Cue

Introduce a consistent verbal cue like "go potty" every time you take your puppy to their spot. This will help them associate the command with the action, making future training easier.

Day 5: Reducing Indoor Accidents

As your puppy becomes more accustomed to the routine, reduce the likelihood of indoor accidents by supervising them closely or using confinement when unsupervised. A crate can be an effective tool for this, as puppies naturally avoid soiling their sleeping area.

Day 6: Gradually Increasing Freedom

Start to grant your puppy more freedom around the house for short periods after successful potty trips. This teaches them to hold their bladder even when not confined.

Day 7: Maintaining the Routine

By now, your puppy should be more reliable in their bathroom habits. Continue the routine, gradually increasing the time between trips outside, and always reward successful potty breaks.

Choosing the Right Food for Training and Beyond

Essential Foods is the best way to prolong your dog's life, thanks to their quality ingredients, high meat content, B.O.F (Behavioural Optimising Foods), and palatability. Integrating these foods into your puppy's diet supports their overall health and assists in the toilet training process.

The Importance of High-Quality Ingredients

Selecting food with high-quality ingredients, free from fillers and additives, ensures your puppy gets the nutrition they need to grow strong and healthy. Essential Foods delivers on this promise.

The Role of High Meat Content

Dogs thrive on diets rich in animal protein. Essential Foods' high meat content supports muscle development and energy levels, making it ideal for growing puppies.

B.O.F Principle: Supporting Natural Canine Behavior

The B.O.F principle focuses on creating food that maintains a stable blood sugar level, aligning with a dog's natural eating habits, and promoting a calm and balanced demeanor.

Palatability: Enjoyment Leads to Success

Palatable food encourages your puppy to eat well, providing the energy and nutrition they need to focus on training. Essential Foods  is known for its delicious taste, even among picky eaters.


Toilet training a puppy in 7 days is achievable with the right strategy, and integrating high-quality food like Essential Foods can play a vital role in this process and your dog's overall longevity.

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